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Exploring Different Methods to Raise Startup Capital: Tips for Choosing the Best One

Updated: Jun 20, 2023

One of the critical challenges faced by startups is securing adequate capital to fuel their growth and development. Fortunately, there are various methods available to raise funds, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. In this blog ost, we will delve into three popular methods: bootstrapping, crowdfunding, and VC-backed funding.

As the founder of Upward, I faced the critical decision of selecting the most suitable method to raise funds. After careful consideration and evaluation, I made the deliberate choice to embrace bootstrapping as the path forward for Upward. Bootstrapping, although not the conventional route, holds significant appeal for its ability to provide control and a focus on profitability.

In this blog post, we will explore the pros and cons of each approach—bootstrapping, crowdfunding, and VC-backed funding—and provide valuable tips to help you make an informed decision about the best method for your startup. While bootstrapping may not be the right fit for everyone, understanding its benefits and drawbacks can empower you to make the best choice for your entrepreneurial journey.



  • Retain control: By self-funding your startup, you maintain complete ownership and control over your business decisions.

  • Flexibility: You have the freedom to experiment, pivot, and make decisions without external pressures or obligations.

  • Financial discipline: Bootstrapping forces you to be frugal and prioritize expenses, leading to increased financial discipline and resourcefulness.


  • Limited resources: Bootstrapping may restrict your ability to scale quickly or undertake ambitious projects due to limited capital.

  • Slower growth: Without external funding, it may take longer to achieve significant growth milestones compared to well-funded competitors.

  • Personal financial risk: Depending solely on personal savings or credit cards can expose you to personal financial liability if the business fails.

Tips for Choosing Bootstrapping:

  • Assess your financial situation: Evaluate your personal savings, creditworthiness, and risk tolerance to determine if bootstrapping is feasible.

  • Prioritize profitability: Focus on generating revenue and achieving profitability early on to sustain your business without external funding.

  • Seek efficiency: Emphasize lean operations, cost optimization, and resourcefulness to make the most of limited resources.



  • Market validation: Crowdfunding allows you to test your product or idea's market appeal and receive early feedback from backers.

  • Access to capital and audience: Successful crowdfunding campaigns can generate substantial funds while building a community of enthusiastic supporters.

  • Limited dilution: Crowdfunding enables you to retain ownership and control over your business since you are not giving up equity.


  • Intense competition: Crowdfunding platforms are highly competitive, requiring strong marketing efforts, a compelling value proposition, and a well-executed campaign.

  • Time and effort: Running a crowdfunding campaign requires significant time and energy for planning, creating engaging content, and managing backer expectations.

  • High expectations: Crowdfunding backers may have high expectations and demands, requiring diligent communication and transparency throughout the process.

Tips for Choosing Crowdfunding:

  • Thoroughly research platforms: Evaluate different crowdfunding platforms to find the one that aligns with your product, target audience, and fundraising goals.

  • Develop a compelling story: Craft a compelling narrative, engaging visuals, and enticing rewards to capture the attention and support of potential backers.

  • Leverage your network: Leverage your existing network, social media channels, and influencers to create awareness and drive traffic to your campaign.

VC-backed Funding:


  • Significant capital infusion: Venture capital funding can provide substantial financial resources to fuel rapid growth and expansion.

  • Expertise and networks: VC firms often bring valuable industry expertise, connections, and guidance to help scale your business.

  • Validation and credibility: Securing VC funding can enhance your startup's reputation and attract further investments from other sources.


  • Dilution of ownership: VCs typically require equity in exchange for their investment, leading to a partial loss of ownership and control.

  • Pressure to perform: VC investors often have high growth expectations, placing significant pressure on the startup to meet ambitious targets.

  • Lengthy funding process: Securing VC funding can be a time-consuming process, involving due diligence, negotiations, and legal formalities.

Tips for Choosing VC-backed Funding:

  • Assess compatibility: Evaluate if the VC firm's expertise, industry focus, and network align with your business goals and vision.

  • Understand the terms: Thoroughly review and negotiate the investment terms, considering factors such as valuation, board representation, and exit expectations.

  • Seek guidance: Engage legal and financial professionals who specialize in venture capital to navigate the intricacies of the funding process.

Choosing the right method to raise startup capital is a crucial decision that can significantly impact the trajectory of your business. Each approach has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Consider your financial situation, growth aspirations, control preferences, and overall business strategy when making your decision.

After considering the pros and cons of each approach, I have chosen to bootstrap my startup, Upward, to take it to the next level. By embracing bootstrapping, I can maintain full control over the company's direction and remain focused on achieving profitability. This decision empowers me to make independent decisions, prioritize financial discipline, and cultivate the organic growth of Upward.

Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all solution, and it's essential to adapt your funding approach to your unique circumstances. By carefully weighing the pros and cons and following the tips provided, you can make an informed choice that aligns with your startup's goals and maximizes your chances of success.


Mariane Bekker is a passionate advocate for women in tech, an angel investor, and the founder & CEO of Upward, a premier boutique recruitment agency connecting companies with exceptional diverse tech talent. With over a decade of experience building diverse engineering teams at leading startups, she’s navigated the intricacies of the startup landscape and understands the unique needs and aspirations of founders. Follow her LinkedIn for insights, industry trends, and valuable resources about Startups, Tech, and Diversity.




Mariane Bekker is a passionate advocate for women in tech, an angel investor, and the founder & CEO of Upward, a premier boutique recruitment agency connecting companies with exceptional diverse tech talent. With over a decade of experience building diverse engineering teams at leading startups, she’s navigated the intricacies of the startup landscape and understands the unique needs and aspirations of founders. Follow her LinkedIn and Twitter for insights, industry trends, and valuable resources about Startups, Tech, and Diversity.

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